DNASkin DNA ScienceSkincare

Every physician knows that if ten people with the exact same illness are given the exact same medication, there may well be precisely ten different results. It might work perfectly for one, weakly for another, cause an allergic reaction in another, a side effect in another, and cause yet another to dance the Macarena naked in church. Exactly. Enter the wondrous and practical world of personalized medicine, custom-made to your specific genes. The slightest difference/mutation on a chromosome may result in a baby being born with any number of skin conditions or tend to become a three-eyed Ranger fan. In fact, we are all mutants.

When it comes to medications, some clinics now perform personalized gene sequencing on the patient PRIOR to prescribing an anti-depressant, for example. It’s important to note that your genes don’t necessarily sentence you to a  life of psoriasis, diabetes, obesity, or any other of a multitude of conditions affected by your genes. The gene loads the gun, and the environment pulls the trigger. So, should your Yudoyu Skin DNA report indicate that your skin is the product of perfect genes, yet you decide to go and sizzle on the scorching sand and sun in Seychelles for 18.34 hours per day while smoking a mountain of Marlboros and inhaling Costco-sized cartons of  Snickers bars, you might get a wrinkle or two. This further underscores the importance of awareness of the “Four Evil S’s” for skincare: Smoking, Sun, Stress, and Sugar.

Knowing your skin’s DNA can allow you to personalize your skincare routine, targeting specific potential future flaws. In fact, what you do now for your routine may not contribute to healthy skin at all and could even contribute to degeneration. Like maintaining your car or teeth, your skin needs regular maintenance as not all flawless skin is healthy, and not all healthy skin is flawless.

So what will the Yudoyu Skincare DNA test tell you?

Collagen + Elasticity
  • Do you produce enough collagen, a protein essential for skin tonicity and firmness? Should your genes show that you underproduce collagen or elastin, consider a collagen booster such as skin peptides as part of your preventative skincare routine. (In fact, peptides work better than collagen replacement.)
  • Do your skin cells get too much sugar, leading to wrinkles and saggy skin? Your DNA can determine how sweet your blood is and how sour this can render your face, a process called glycation. Sugar binds to collagen and elastin, two proteins in our skin that keep it looking firm, young, elastic, and bouncy. This produces Advanced Glycation End-products, appropriately enough known as AGE! These AGEs are substances that damage those youth-giving proteins and prevent the body from repairing them.
UV Damage
  • While you probably already know if you are a Zulu warrior king or an albino, you can learn more about your genetic predisposition to pigmentation issues and hence… damage caused by the sun.
  • The test checks if you lack the correct genes to produce antioxidants properly. Antioxidants are essential to battle the dangerous, ubiquitous free radicals which are brutal to your face. Free radicals cause a lot of skin damage, but primarily they destroy collagen, the protein that gives you a youthful, toned, and radiant face.
  • How easily are you are irritated, your skin, that is. Can you rub battery acid on your face with no problem, or does the slightest change in the wind three time zones away cause your sensitive skin to rebel, redden, and rash? In other words, is your skin predisposed to being easily inflamed? Your genes determine if you should be looking for a skincare product with “anti-inflaming” properties or not.

So, put your genes in the wash and see how they come out, clean, or ……dancing the Macarena. 

By Dr. David Hepburn, Medical Advisor for Amazon Silk.
Well-known Canadian physician, medutainer, speaker, hospitalist, bush surgeon, award-winning author, Naval surgeon, professor, and explorer. An expert in the education of doctors and governments on the proper use of cannabinoid medicine. Bioprospecting the ethnobotanical pharmacopeia led him to the Amazon jungles of Peru.

Super Serum Incanta by Amazon Silk

New to Yudoyu!

This extraordinary Super Serum with the unique ingredient Plukenetia Huayllabambana, the recently discovered Amazonian nut and the richest source of omega 3s on earth. moisturizes soothes, and smoothes the skin creating a silky, lustrous, fresh face experience. It is rapidly absorbed into the skin leaving no oily residue.